HMI alarms

Displaying HMI messages on the touch panel

An error which illuminates the red lamp exists already in Main [OB1], but we don’t have a message for this error. The lamp acts as a centralised error. It gets generated in network 7, which has the following variables.

DescriptionSymbolic addressAbsolute address
Pick&Placer Carrier extended (120BG2)PIPL_BG_CarrierExtendedE0.5
Pick&Placer Carrier retracted (120BG1)PIPL_MB_CarrierRetractedE0.4
Pick&Placer Carrier extend (125MB1)PIPL_MB_CarrierExtendA0.4
Pick&Placer Carrier retract (125MB2)PIPL_MB_CarrierRetractA0.5
Error activeErrorActiveM100.0

To give the operator specific information of a problem, Siemens has the function HMI messages. It handles the messages and the display of them on the touch panel.

To give the HMI messages, you need to create a Data block DB with the name HMI_messages, type Global-DB and number 120. In a second step create a data structure which consists of 3 structs of 1 word each (1 word = 16 bit), while the structs stand for Error, Warnings and Messages.

  • Static
    • Error (Struct)
      • Hcyl_not_extended (Bool)
      • Hcyl_not_retracted (Bool)
    • Warning (Struct)
    • Message (Struct)

In a next step click in the project navigation of 155PH1 on the menu HMI messages. Choose Bit messages in the tabs and type in the following mesaages. With this you link the messages on the HMI with the program.

IDMessageClassTrigger variableTrigger bitTrigger address
1Horizontal cylinder not extendedErrorsErrors8%DB120.DBX0.0
2Horizontal cylinder not retractedErrorsErrors9%DB120.DBX0.1

In the last step create an image with a Message display.