C-Sharp project

Programming a calculator as a portable *.exe file in C#

Visual Studio 2022 Visual Studio 2022

Aside from vocational school, inter-company professional training at Swissmechanic and practical work on aerosol machines for customers around the world, automation engineer apprentices at Pamasol also work on projects which focus on specific parts of the education.

PAM-Caluclator represents the C#-project of the education. Its purpose is to introduce the apprentices into the world of object oriented programming.

With the help of Visual Studio IDE (Integrated Development Environment) a windows calculator will be programmed in C#. The calculator can add, subtract, multiply and divide two numbers. If divided by zero, the calculator will show a warning:

WinForms Demo WinForms Demo

The created Exe-file can be executed on a PC with Windows OS.

There will be one variant made in Winforms and one in WPF. Afterwards, both variants will be compared.


The project description as well as all excercises and assistance are found in the following GitHub repository: https://github.com/pamasol/PAM-Calculator